The good news is that we are living longer, and at some point, you might expect to slow down and take things easier. At that point, you may need help around the home or with some of your daily needs. Or you may need to make a move to residential aged care.
Whatever your needs and choices, identifying your options and making the best decision for your circumstances can become overwhelming without good advice a plan.
Navigating the way through aged care and the jargon is not easy – especially if decisions are being made in a time of crisis and emotions are running high, and mistakes can be costly in both time and money to resolve them.
Three key areas we see our clients have challenges with are:
Selling the home without understanding the implications
Being afraid to pay a lump sum (refundable accommodation deposit) for residential care accommodation and missing out on Centrelink concessions
Not generating enough cashflow
This is where we can help. As financial advisers with aged care advice experience, we can help to guide you through the process. Financial advice isn't just about superannuation and investments. Financial advice can help to show you how you can afford the care you need and provide clarity to understand how it all works.
You might be looking for advice for yourself or a family member. Or you might be planning for the future so you can plan for quality of life, even when care needs start to creep in.
Let us take away some of the stress. Contact us today to make an appointment to discuss your current or future aged care needs.

Bill Savellis
Senior Financial Adviser
Having navigated the Aged Care landscape for both of his parents, Bill understands how challenging it can be to make the right decisions for your future care needs. That's why he believes that everyone should have access to financial advice during this time. Bill has been a Financial Adviser for over 22 years, and is passionate about helping others access the financial advice they need. Drawing from his own experience in the financial sector, Bill develops strategic, personalised plans to support transitions to Aged Care or Home Care.
Disclaimer: Prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information in this article, Olive Grove Financial Advice recommends that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances. Information in this article was correct and current as of 22 February 2022. Olive Grove Financial Advice is operated by Bill Savellis through The Financial Advisor (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 72 619 546 431, who is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1278394) of Havana Financial Services Pty Ltd.